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Raising a Toast

Mission & Mimosas

Dream and plan for your best life! 

Unite with remarkable women leaders for a morning dedicated to connecting with your boldest dreams and fostering meaningful connections! You’ll develop your personal mission statement and map out your vision to help you make your dreams a reality. Everyone will create a personalized mission word board to take home.

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Presented by Julie Shannan
Founder & CEO at Big Mission

Julie is a certified professional coach with over 25 years leading nonprofit organizations. She started Big Mission after she finally decided to "stop playing small". Daily affirmations, vision boarding, and journaling have all become part of her daily practice and it has changed her life and way of thinking.  Big Mission Consulting, was created out of a desire to help individuals and companies amplify their mission and impact. 


"I had no idea what that meant at the time, but as I look back, I can see how I was holding back my big ideas for many reasons I didn't fully understand, but mostly for fear that they may come true. Over the last decade, I have learned to embrace big ideas, even when they seem scary and almost too big."


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“The seminar was amazing and I received great feedback ALL. DAY. LONG. Thanks for delivering a great session! "

Jayne, Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country


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